Land Border

Globally border security now occupies the top of the list of national priorities for many countries as they struggle to prevent the cross border traffic of drugs, illicit material, illegal aliens, terrorists and aggressor forces. A nation’s border is the first line of defense for its population yet for many it is the most neglected and largely porous due to the complex nature of fortifying its entirety. Land borders typically vary greatly ranging from flat plains to snow covered mountain peaks, dune filled sand deserts to wooded forests, vast uninhabited expanses to border straddling metropolises. Each variation poses its unique challenges a successful strategy must address appropriately. ACS reaches across a spectrum of advanced technologies to provide a broad detection corridor with multiple layers of a variety of sensors to all but eliminate the chances of an unobserved movement of man or machine over and under the boundary under all conditions.

ACS’s automated or manned active and passive land border surveillance sensor systems can be selectively configured to meet whatever challenges your terrain and environment presents. Every ACS Detection System can be integrated in to a seamless full country security solution.





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